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Master in Management students tackle knowledge management challenges

Published on 27 April 2023

During a four-day seminar, 710 L3-year students from the Master in Management (PGE) took part in a "serious game" called "La Table de Marie" to familiarise themselves with the challenges of knowledge management. Divided into 118 multi-campus teams, the students worked remotely to solve challenges related to a struggling gourmet restaurant chain that had lost a renowned head chef and essential documents.


The game/challenge, posed to SKEMA students, was developed in close collaboration with Audace Digital Learning. It included various activities, such as processes, quizzes, word walls, as well as creative and thought-provoking activities. The scenario, devised by Jean-Luc Abelin, former knowledge management director at Lafarge, enabled students to immerse themselves in realistic situations and come up with appropriate solutions.


A serious ga​​​me to address concrete problems


The seminar was overseen by coaches and evaluators who helped students make sense of their actions on the ground and receive real-time feedback. The best teams were awarded the "knowledge passer" prize. Béatrice Toustou, head of the KM Challenge, highlighted "the importance of this seminar for the school, particularly in terms of knowledge management". The project represents a major pedagogical innovation that required over two years of creative work. She added, "Students greatly appreciated this unique experience, describing the game as stimulating, interactive, and professionalising. The seminar was seen as a practical way of addressing common workplace situations, with high-quality support throughout the challenge."​

More informations about Master in management​​

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