
近日,法国权威Le Parisien《巴黎人报》发布了2016法国高商排名,SKEMA商学院继续保持全法第七的优秀成绩。

近日,法国权威Le Parisien《巴黎人报》发布了2016法国高商排名,SKEMA商学院继续保持全法第七的优秀成绩。此外,法国著名商业周刊 Challenges《挑战杂志》发布了法国最佳MBA专业排行榜,SKEMA专业硕士(Master Spécialisé)电子商务与直销专业成功入选该榜单。

《巴黎人报》、《挑战杂志》和 Le Figaro、 Le Point、L’Etudiant同为法国权威媒体。《巴黎人报》 发表的文章内容通俗易懂,被广大法国人民所喜爱,也是巴黎人每天上下班坐地铁最喜欢阅读的报纸之一,《挑战杂志》则更偏重经济和商业类报道,备受商务人士 青睐。




SKEMA comes out well in Le Parisien’s 2016 rankings of Grandes Ecoles de Commerce,

On Tuesday 24th May 2016, Le Parisien published its annual ranking of French Grandes Ecoles de Commerce delivering the Grade of Master. Again,SKEMA is ranked 7th out of the 36 best French business schools. In addition, the MS Marketing Direct and Electronic Commerce is selected in the shortlist of the best MBA specialized by Challenges.

The Parisien’s methodology evaluates these institutions according to traditional criteria (pedagogy, faculty, research, attractiveness and international network) as well as more innovative criteria where SKEMA comes out with some of the best performances.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank all the staff, students, alumni and our partners for your efforts!